Wij hebben van de ISDS bericht ontvangen over de invulling van de Young Handler Competition voor de World Trial 2017. Ben je na 12 juli 1996 geboren, woonachtig in Nederland, loop je(bijna) op open niveau en zou je het leuk vinden om als Young Handler voor Nederland deel te nemen aan de World Trial die 13-16 juli 2017 in Opmeer gehouden wordt? meld je dan voor 11 februari 2017 aan via Younghandler@dutchsheepdogsociety.nl
De officiële regels vanuit de ISDS
The Young Handler age limit is 21 years and under, on the first day of the World Trial.
Young handlers must not have represented their country at senior level (i.e. they have never been in the National Team)
The home nations,(England, Ireland, Netherlands, Scotland and Wales) can enter a maximum of three young handlers. All other countries can enter a maximum of two young handlers.
The entry forms for the young handlers competition will be distributed and processed by the ISDS Office.
The young handlers qualifying competition will commence Saturday 15th July 2017, and the highest pointed five young handlers will compete in the Final on Sunday 16th July 2017.
There are no entry fees for the young handler trial – entry is free of charge.